KLG Europe
United States

Transport United States

Transport to and from United States perfectly arranged.

Do you have goods that need to be transported to or from United States? Or do you want to import or export your goods to or from United States from and to any country in Europe? Then KLG Europe is your logistics partner. Whether it is a few shipments/pallets or a complete cargo, with our departures to and from United States we make sure that your goods are delivered at your unloading location at the agreed time. If we need to pick up your goods in United States, we will of course also do this at the agreed time. Are you curious which logistics solution best suits your needs? KLG Europe is happy to help you optimize your supply chain.

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Transport United States

*Depending on day of departure and destination remoteness, the lead time can deviate.

KLG Europe offers transport solutions to and from the United States. We offer transport solutions from single shipments, partial loads to full freights. We offer a suitable logistics solution, where we can also organize a stopover if necessary. Thanks to our years of experience and knowledge, this combined with our extensive partner network, we have a large covering distribution network and much expertise in the field of transport and logistics. This includes transport to and from the United States. Your transport is in good hands with KLG Europe:

High quality and reliability;
An expert team that takes care of everything for you;
Optimal transit times;
Guaranteed departures;
Frequent departures for both groupage, LTL and FTL (international);
Good value for money;
Transport for both ADR and non-ADR shipments;
Track & Trace;
A solution for every challenge.

1300 Number of employees
17 Number of branches
300 Own trucks
1.350.000 Shipments per year

Carefree transport from A to B

You can come to us for almost any type of goods. Besides taking care of the transport, we also arrange the logistics. This includes complete customs clearance, bonded warehousing and/or fiscal representation. As an AEO-certified logistics service provider, we ensure an optimal flow of your goods. We offer logistics solutions from warehousing to transportation of your goods by road, rail, water and air. We do not lose sight of the sustainability aspect in the process.

Transport United States specialist

Transport by land, sea or air: KLG Europe offers a suitable solution for all your logistics challenges. We provide intercontinental air transport and sea transport. Door-to-door if you wish. We have our own offices in strategic locations near important airports and world ports: Rotterdam in the Netherlands and Constanta and Bucharest in Romania. In addition, we work with reliable partners all over the world.
Sea transport is ideally suited for transporting heavier and larger loads over long distances. It is relatively environmentally friendly and cheaper than air transport. Through small and large seas, we sail your goods worldwide to the right place of destination. Air transport is the fastest way to move you goods from location A to location B worldwide. An often obvious choice when the volume, size and weight of your air freight is limited and speed is of the essence.

Transport prices to and from United States

Our years of experience ensure high quality combined with a good price, without unnecessary costs. Do you want a logistics partner that extends your service to your customers? That is us! We are your extension in your supply chain.

Do you have a question about the transport costs for your transport from or to the United States? Then contact one of our specialists. We map out the price immediately, which is transparent and service-oriented, so there are no surprises. We make promises we can keep. A deal is a deal! Moreover, you always have insight into your shipments through our track & trace system.

International transport

KLG Europe belongs to one of the leading logistics service providers in Europe. We specialize in international distribution of general cargo shipments and are your reliable partner when it comes to transport to and from the United States. We offer a suitable transport solution for your demand. Thus, we consider your desire, price, quality, speed and sustainability when transporting your goods.

Customs settled from A to Z

At KLG Europe, we understand the importance of efficiency and reliability in logistics processes. This is why we have chosen to manage our customs activities internally. This offers numerous advantages for our customers.

Internal handling allows shipments to be processed faster, which improves delivery reliability and reduces operational costs. With our own customs staff, we maintain better control and transparency over the processes, allowing us to quickly anticipate potential challenges. Our flexibility allows us to respond quickly to changing regulations, risks and delays.

The expertise of our customs department ensures flawless logistics operations. Our effective communication helps optimise process and results. The goal; a more efficient process and better results.

Incoterms apply to international trade transactions. These clarify the responsibilities of buyers and sellers regarding the transport of goods. Incoterms provide clear guidelines on obligations, costs, risks and customs charges. They are used in sales contracts, shipping documents, customs documentation and distribution agreements. The latest version is Incoterms 2020 and you can download it here.


Want to learn more about our sustainable logistics solutions or our sustainability goals? View our sustainability proposition for more information.

Driving bans

General driving bans and holidays can be found here in our overview. In case of other deviating and current driving bans due to unforeseen circumstances, we will inform our customers immediately.

Why KLG Europe?

KLG Europe has been in existence for over 100 years. As a result, we have extensive experience which ensures that we can also perfectly execute your transport. Our motto: Together we are stronger. Through good cooperation with our reliable and certified logistics partners, we can serve you even better and guarantee our high quality. Curious about a suitable logistics solution for your goods? Then contact us or take a look at our service area.

More information about transportation to and from United States

Your cargo is in good hands with us. We would be happy to tell you more about our transport options and other logistics solutions. If you still have questions or wish to receive additional information, you can always contact one of our specialists.


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