Ecovadis, the enterprise solution for sustainable supply chains for KLG Europe
Ecovadis, the enterprise solution for sustainable supply chains for KLG Europe
Ecovadis is the most reliable and business-friendly sustainability rating system. Environmental, social and ethical performance is an essential factor for many companies today. The supply chain is the biggest lever for an organization’s impact on sustainability.
KLG Europe distinguishes itself from other organizations in several areas. Below you will find a selection of our Ecovadis points.
- Environment policies on relevant topics: energy consumption & GHC, materials, chemicals and waste
- Company-specific preparation and response procedure for emergencies related to local pollution emergencies
- Measures to reduce CO2 emissions from transport
- Awareness or training program for employees about the transport of dangerous goods
- Formal measures implemented to avoid traffic congestion
- ISO 22000 certified
- Noise level monitoring
- Measures to recycle paper/ cardboard waste
- Measures for handling hazardous substances
- Regular eco-driving training for employees
- Reporting on the total gross Scope 1 and 2 GHG
- CSR report follow GRI guidelines through the parent company
- Reporting on total energy consumption
Labour and human rights:
- Labour or human rights policy on relevant issues. As; workers' health and safety, child labour, forced labour and human trafficking, diversity, discrimination and harassment
- Formalized procedure regarding employee health and safety
- Extra leave in addition to the standard vacation days
- Employee satisfaction survey
- Measures to promote pay equality in the workplace
- Specific measures on discrimination issues
- Detailed worker health and safety risk assessment
- Driver training on health and safety risks and best practices
- Transparent recruitment process clearly and formally communicated to all candidates
- Regular assessment (at least once a year) of individual performance
- Interactive session with employees about working conditions
- Mandatory health check for employees
- Provide skills development training
- Measures to prevent substance use on site
- CSR report follows GRI guidelines mother company
- Disciplinary sanctions for dealing with policy violations
- Information Security Policy
- Whistle blower policy to report ethical issues
- Awareness training to prevent information security breaches
- Measures to protect third-party data from unauthorized access or disclosure
- Measures for obtaining stakeholder consent regarding the processing, sharing and retention of confidential information
- CSR report follows GRI guidelines through the parent company
Sustainable purchasing:
- Sustainable procurement policy on supplier social practices
- Code of Conduct for CSR for supplier is available